Dumfries Table Tennis Club

New membership categories for 2023/4

We’re giving more of our supporters and Pay As You Go players a chance to become club members with a new Basic annual membership of only £5. 

Regular players can continue to take out our £15 a month individual or £20 a month family memberships, which give unlimited access. These memberships now have the added benefit that the first payment of £15 or £20 includes club membership for each player for the full year 1 Oct – 30 Sept.

Or, receive a discount by taking out our annual membership, which gives unlimited access for £165 individual or £220 family membership for the year 1 Oct – 30 Sept.

Members will now receive a membership card with digital or print options.

For more information and a registration form, see our Membership page

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Dumfries TTC vs u3a Kirkton in friendly challenge

Our Over-50s group ran out 3-2 winners in a friendly match against the u3a Kirkton table tennis group on Friday 29 Sept. Five two-player teams from each group took part, with Dumfries TTC lending a player to the u3a after one of their player went down with Covid.  Matches followed our league format, with each player having two singles and a doubles. u3a players normally play to 21, so playing to 11 took a little getting used to!

The final score saw Dumfries with wins in three matches (5-0, 4-1, and 3-2) and u3a taking two matches (3-2 and 3-1). But the main aim was to enjoy some friendly competition in a more formal format, and against different players – though as some u3a players also come to our Over-50s sessions, their styles were familiar. 

The match was hosted at the club, with a break for refreshments halfway through. There was plenty of time for socialising as well as playing games, and talk at the end turned to when we could do it all again! 

Dumfries TTC vs u3a Kirkton in friendly challenge Read More »

Dumfries TT League starts Oct 9

Old hands and new players need to register interest in league play for the coming season by 29 Sept.

The format will be teams of 2 or 3 players, with a best of 5 sets format for each match. Each player plays the 2 players from the opposing team, and one doubles match.

All matches are played at the club, and take around an hour to an hour and a half. Matches are arranged at the convenience of both teams, with each team having a preferred night, which allows everyone to fit the matches around prior commitments both in and out of the club. Matches can be played during the daytime if both teams agree.

Each team will play each other twice over the course of the league, which will run from 9 October to March/April next year with a few “off” weeks along the way.

The league is open to players of ALL abilities, and is an excellent way to develop your technique by playing different people. With enough participants we can have 3 divisions, which allows for play at every level from beginner to “expert”.

Any questions, or to register your interest, speak to one of the committee, email info@dumfriesttc.co.uk, or fill in the form available on the club notice board by 29th September 2023.

Dumfries TT League starts Oct 9 Read More »

Summer table tennis

The table tennis season may over for now, but there’s lots of opportunities to play at our club through the summer.

Monday evening Open sessions from 3rd July – 21st August will start earlier and run 19.30 – 21.30.

The normal Monday evening coaching  takes a break, but there will be a combined beginner/intermediate class 6:30-7:30 on 24th and 31st July and 7th and 14th August. (£3, pay on the night.)

Then there’s our free Family Fun sessions  Tuesday 11th, 18th, 25th July and 1st, 8th August 11.00am-12.30pm (registration required).

Over-50s drop-in social table tennis continues on Monday and Thursday mornings 11.00 – 12.30, as do our Saturday morning Disability sessions 9.30 – 10.30 and Open sessions 10.30 – 12.30.

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Summer Family Fun Table Tennis Sessions

Register now for family fun table tennis on Tuesday mornings this summer. Come as a family with children over 8 years, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and carers. All we ask is that children under 16 are accompanied by an adult.
The sessions are: 
Tuesday 11th, 18th, 25th July and 1st, 8th August 11.00am-12.30pm 
It’s free, but you are welcome to make a donation if you are able.
Registration is required, just complete this form.

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Inaugural Disability group tournament

We were excited to partner with Dumfries and Galloway Disability Sport to run a Disability group tournament on 13th May. Players from the Saturday morning Disability group took part, with club members helping out with umpiring and presenting prizes. Special thanks to David Denholm for organising the event. See our Facebook page for lots more pictures from the day.

We look forward to more join activities.

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Inaugural Thursday Over-50s Championships

Congratulations to our Over-50s players who were brave enough to take part in our inaugural Thursday morning Over-50s Championships, the first time that many of them had played in a formal competition, or the first time for a lot of years!

Many thanks go to Kay Solaja for organising everything. 

Mixed Doubles: After some close matches in the groups and semi-finals, Iain Murray and Margaret Hughes eventually won 2-1 in the final against Graeme Alison and Elaine Colquhoun. Pictured l - r Iain, Margaret, Elaine and Graeme

Open Singles: 14 players entered, and after a good series of group matches, Graeme Alison narrowly edged out Iain Murray in a closely-fought final. Pictured l - r Graeme and Iain

Women's Singles: 12 women played in four round robin groups. The semi-finals saw Anne Beattie defeating Jane Shearn 2-1 and Joyce Kelly beating Jean Campbell, also 2-1. Joyce then beat Anne 2-0 in the final. Pictured, winner Joyce Kelly

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An afternoon of expert coaching

A small group of players came in out of the Dumfries sunshine on Saturday for the chance of expert coaching from our Head Coach Dylan De Silva and Level 2 coach Danny Bajwa. This session for adult players of a range of abilities focused on reading spin and improving positioning and placement. With demonstrations and one-to-one advice from Dylan and Danny, everyone enjoyed it and took something from it – even if we still can’t quite read their serves! 

An afternoon of expert coaching Read More »

New adult coaching offer for Sat 27 May

Our Head Coach Dylan De Silva and Level 2 coach Danny Bajwa are offering a special adult (over-21) coaching session on Sat 27 May 1 – 3 pm at the club, and there are still a few spaces still left. Dylan and Danny will give general tips and technical advice and will also work with individuals on specific aspects.
Players can be of any standard as long as they are keen to learn! Cost is £5, book by emailing info@dumfriesttc.co.uk

New adult coaching offer for Sat 27 May Read More »